The History and Meaning of the Masonic Handshake

Masonic Handshake: The History and Meaning

The Masonic handshake is a central element of Freemasonry, a fraternal organization with roots stretching back to the early modern period. Known for its secretive nature, Freemasonry has long been surrounded by mystique and speculation, largely because of its use of ritualistic symbols and practices, such as the famous Masonic handshake. This gesture is more than just a simple greeting; it carries significant meaning tied to the fraternity’s traditions, hierarchical structure, and values.

In this article, we will explore the origins, evolution, and significance of the Masonic handshake. We’ll delve into the masonic handshake meanings, its role within different degrees of Freemasonry, and how it serves as a powerful symbol of brotherhood, trust, and secrecy. To fully understand the Freemason handshake, it’s essential to grasp the broader context of Freemasonry, including its rituals, traditions, and core values.

Origins of the Masonic Handshake

The Masonic handshake can be traced back to the stonemasons’ guilds of the Middle Ages. During this time, skilled stonemasons traveled across Europe, working on monumental architectural projects, such as cathedrals and castles. Because the profession required specialized knowledge and craftsmanship, stonemasons formed guilds to protect their trade and ensure that only qualified individuals could claim membership.

One of the ways in which these early guilds distinguished their members was through secret handshakes and other signs. These gestures allowed Masons to prove their rank and skill level when seeking employment in different locations. Masonic handshakes were, in essence, a form of professional certification.

As Freemasonry evolved from an operative trade organization into a speculative philosophical society during the 17th and 18th centuries, these Mason handshakes were retained but took on a deeper symbolic meaning. While speculative Freemasons were no longer involved in the physical labor of stone building, the masonic handshakes and meanings continued to represent knowledge, skill, and moral integrity within the fraternity.

Key Historical Milestones

The evolution of the Masonic handshake reflects broader historical changes in the nature of Freemasonry itself. Some key milestones include:

  • Early guild practices (Medieval period): Operative stonemasons used secret handshakes to verify their credentials when seeking work.
  • Transition to speculative Freemasonry (17th century): The handshakes and symbols of the guilds were incorporated into the rituals of the new speculative lodges, which focused on moral and philosophical teachings.
  • Establishment of Grand Lodges (18th century): As Freemasonry grew in popularity, especially in England, Scotland, and France, the formalization of rituals, including the Masonic handshake, became central to the fraternity’s identity.

The Structure of Masonic Degrees and Handshakes

Freemasonry is divided into a series of degrees, each representing a different stage of moral and spiritual development. As Masons progress through the degrees, they receive new knowledge, including different Masonic handshakes associated with each degree. These secret handshakes are used to identify one’s rank and level of knowledge within the fraternity.

The Three Degrees of Craft Masonry

  1. Entered Apprentice: This is the first degree of Freemasonry and marks the initiate’s entry into the fraternity. The Masonic handshake for this degree is often seen as a symbol of learning and humility, as the initiate is at the beginning of his journey toward enlightenment. It represents a willingness to learn and the openness to new ideas.
  2. Fellow Craft: The second degree represents the middle stage of a Mason’s journey. The Freemason handshake for this degree signifies an increasing level of knowledge and skill. It is a more complex grip, symbolizing the advancement in understanding of Masonic teachings and the deeper mysteries of the fraternity.
  3. Master Mason: The third and final degree of Craft Masonry is the highest rank a Freemason can achieve in the regular progression of the lodge. The Mason secret handshake of the Master Mason degree is the most significant, symbolizing mastery of the moral and spiritual lessons imparted by the fraternity. The Mason handshake for a Master Mason also carries a deep symbolic connection to life, death, and resurrection, as this degree focuses on the allegory of Hiram Abiff, a legendary figure in Masonic lore.

Masonic Handshakes and Meanings Table

DegreeMasonic Handshake Meaning
Entered ApprenticeRepresents the initiate’s entry into the fraternity, symbolizing openness to learning and the beginning of moral development.
Fellow CraftA symbol of the Mason’s advancement in knowledge, representing a deeper understanding of Masonic teachings.
Master MasonSignifies mastery of the Masonic craft, with profound symbolic connections to the mysteries of life, death, and resurrection.

The Role of the Masonic Handshake in Rituals

The Masonic handshake plays a crucial role in the initiation ceremonies of each degree. During these rituals, the handshake is exchanged as a form of recognition between Masons and as a symbol of the new member’s acceptance into the brotherhood. Each handshake is unique to its respective degree, and members are sworn to secrecy, making the gestures part of Freemasonry’s mystique.

One of the defining features of Freemasonry is its emphasis on secrecy, which is why the details of the Masonic handshake are not publicly disclosed. This secrecy is not about exclusivity but is intended to preserve the integrity of the ritual experience for new initiates. By keeping the Masonic hand shake confidential, Freemasonry ensures that its symbols and teachings retain their impact and meaning.

The Handshake and Symbolism

In Freemasonry, handshakes, like other symbols, serve as metaphors for larger moral and philosophical principles. The Freemason handshakes are not mere physical gestures but are imbued with layers of meaning. For instance:

  • Trust and Brotherhood: The firmness and method of the grip signify the bond of trust between brothers. In a world where trust is often scarce, the Masonic handshake serves as a reminder of the fraternity’s core value of loyalty.
  • Moral and Spiritual Growth: Each Masonic hand shake represents a different stage in a Mason’s journey toward moral and spiritual enlightenment. The handshake is a symbol of progress, learning, and inner transformation.
  • Secrecy and Discretion: By keeping the details of the handshakes secret, Freemasons emphasize the importance of discretion and the protection of knowledge. This secrecy is not about exclusion but rather about creating a space where deeper teachings can be safely explored.

The Speculative Era and the Modern Masonic Handshake

As Freemasonry transitioned from an operative craft to a speculative organization, the Masonic handshake became less about proving one’s physical skill and more about demonstrating a shared commitment to the fraternity’s moral and philosophical ideals. Today, Masonic handshakes serve primarily as symbols of mutual recognition and solidarity among members.

Even in modern times, Freemason handshakes maintain their traditional role as tools of identification within the fraternity. When Masons meet, the exchange of a masonic hand shake allows them to recognize each other as brothers, regardless of their cultural, national, or social backgrounds. The Mason handshake remains a powerful gesture of fraternity, loyalty, and shared values.

The Legacy of the Masonic Handshake

The enduring power of the Masonic handshake lies in its ability to connect Freemasons across generations and geographical boundaries. It is a tangible reminder of the fraternity’s centuries-old traditions and its commitment to fostering moral and spiritual growth. Despite the many changes Freemasonry has undergone over the years, the handshake continues to symbolize the core values of the organization.

Freemasonry Today: Global Reach, Local Impact

Freemasonry today is a global organization with millions of members. The Masonic handshakes that once helped stonemasons prove their skills now serve to unite a diverse group of men who share a common commitment to ethical principles and personal development.

While the handshake may seem like a simple gesture, its meanings are profound. For those outside of the fraternity, the Masonic handshake meaning might remain a subject of curiosity, but for Masons, it represents a bond of trust, shared ideals, and a mutual commitment to the betterment of oneself and society.


The Masonic handshake is one of Freemasonry’s most enduring symbols, reflecting the fraternity’s deep roots in the medieval stonemasons’ guilds and its evolution into a modern organization dedicated to moral and spiritual development. Though its form and purpose have evolved, the Freemason handshake continues to play a central role in Masonic ritual and identity.

Whether it’s the Entered Apprentice learning the first lessons of the craft or the Master Mason reflecting on the profound allegories of life and death, the Masonic handshake remains a powerful symbol of trust, brotherhood, and personal growth. Its meanings, though shrouded in secrecy, are universally understood by Freemasons as a sign of their shared journey toward enlightenment.

Ultimately, the Masonic hand shake is more than just a gesture; it is a representation of the fraternity’s timeless values of integrity, humility, and the pursuit of truth. As such, it continues to be a vital part of Freemasonry’s rich and complex history, as well as its vibrant future.

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